Posts Tagged ‘scripture’


Posted: 2009/01/19 in christianity, joy, sin
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Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.”  Psalm 51:12


the restoration of God is His overwhelming joy that He places on the hearts of His children.  

Psalm 51 finds David after his lustful desire of Bathsheba that lead to adultery, deception, and murder.  his cry to God was to restore to him the joy of God’s salvation.  David knew firsthand the result of sin, forfeiting the joy that God offers in His salvation for his selfish pleasures.  David forfeited the glory of the immortal God for temporal satisfaction.

i join in Davids cry this morning as I have a simple taste again of the joy of God’s salvation.  it’s amazing how fleeting this joy is in the presence of sin.  Habakkuk 1:13, a holy God with holy eyes can not look upon my wrong.  i rest in the promise that ‘blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.’  my sin of laziness, lack 0f self control, anger, and complacency (in my nature) overwhelms my heart but the joy i taste after spending a morning in the presence of God, confessing my weakness, brings back the sweet taste of this joy.  how dangerous it is when i stray into my own strength.  

thank you God for sanctification.  thank you God for overwhelming me with your grace and bringing back to the joy that is Your’s in salvation.  

may i constantly mourn my sin that separates me from my God so that His strength may comfort me.  may I never loose sight of this truth.  may i fight to purse Him daily (oh because it is a fight within me) and beg Him to bring me back to the joy that I find in His salvation.